Source code for fastsk.old_utils

import os
import os.path as osp
import subprocess
import numpy as np
from fastsk import FastSK
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
from sklearn.linear_model import LassoCV
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV
from sklearn import metrics
import time
import multiprocessing
import subprocess

[docs]def time_fastsk( g, m, t, data_location, prefix, approx=False, max_iters=None, timeout=None, skip_variance=False, ): """Run FastSK kernel computation. If a timeout is provided, it'll run as a subprocess, which will be killed when the timeout is reached. """ fastsk = FastskRunner(prefix, data_location) start = time.time() if timeout: if max_iters: args = { "t": t, "approx": approx, "skip_variance": skip_variance, "I": max_iters, } else: args = {"t": t, "approx": approx, "skip_variance": skip_variance} p = multiprocessing.Process( target=fastsk.compute_train_kernel, name="TimeFastSK", args=(g, m), kwargs=args, ) p.start() p.join(timeout) if p.is_alive(): p.terminate() p.join() else: if max_iters: fastsk.compute_train_kernel( g, m, t=t, approx=approx, I=max_iters, skip_variance=skip_variance ) else: fastsk.compute_train_kernel( g, m, t=t, approx=approx, skip_variance=skip_variance ) end = time.time() return end - start
[docs]def fastsk_wrap(dataset, g, m, t, approx, I, delta, skip_variance, C, return_dict): fastsk = FastskRunner(dataset) acc, auc = fastsk.train_and_test(g, m, t, I, approx, skip_variance, C) return_dict["acc"] = acc return_dict["auc"] = auc
[docs]def train_and_test_fastsk( dataset, g, m, t, approx, I=50, delta=0.025, skip_variance=False, C=1, timeout=None ): start = time.time() if timeout: manager = multiprocessing.Manager() return_dict = manager.dict() p = multiprocessing.Process( target=fastsk_wrap, name="Train and test FastSK", args=(dataset, g, m, t, approx, I, delta, skip_variance, C, return_dict), ) p.start() p.join(timeout) if p.is_alive(): p.terminate() p.join() if return_dict.values() == []: acc, auc = 0, 0 else: acc, auc = return_dict["acc"], return_dict["auc"] else: acc, auc = fastsk.train_and_test( g, m, t=t, I=I, approx=approx, skip_variance=skip_variance, C=C ) end = time.time() return acc, auc, end - start
[docs]def gkm_wrap( g, m, t, prefix, gkm_data, gkm_exec, approx, timeout, alphabet, return_dict ): k = g - m gkm = GkmRunner(gkm_exec, gkm_data, prefix, g, k, approx, alphabet, "./temp") acc, auc = gkm.train_and_test(t) return_dict["acc"] = acc return_dict["auc"] = auc
[docs]def train_and_test_gkm( g, m, t, prefix, gkm_data, gkm_exec, approx=False, timeout=None, alphabet=None ): start = time.time() if timeout: manager = multiprocessing.Manager() return_dict = manager.dict() p = multiprocessing.Process( target=gkm_wrap, name="Train and test Gkm", args=( g, m, t, prefix, gkm_data, gkm_exec, approx, timeout, alphabet, return_dict, ), ) p.start() p.join(timeout) if p.is_alive(): p.terminate() p.join() if return_dict.values() == []: acc, auc = 0, 0 else: acc, auc = return_dict["acc"], return_dict["auc"] else: k = g - m gkm = GkmRunner(gkm_exec, gkm_data, prefix, g, k, approx, alphabet, "./temp") acc, auc = gkm.train_and_test(t) end = time.time() return acc, auc, end - start
[docs]def time_gkm( g, m, t, prefix, gkm_data, gkm_exec, approx=False, timeout=None, alphabet=None ): """Run gkm-SVM2.0 kernel computation. If a timeout is provided, it'll be run as a subprocess, which will be killed when the timeout is reached. """ k = g - m gkm = GkmRunner(gkm_exec, gkm_data, prefix, g, k, approx, alphabet, "./temp") start = time.time() if timeout: p = multiprocessing.Process( target=gkm.compute_train_kernel, name="TimeGkm", args=(t,) ) p.start() p.join(timeout) if p.is_alive(): p.terminate() p.join() else: gkm.compute_train_kernel(t) end = time.time() return end - start
[docs]def time_gakco(g, m, type_, prefix, timeout=None): gakco_exec = "./baselines/GaKCo-SVM/bin/GaKCo" data = "./data/" gakco = GaKCoRunner(gakco_exec, data, type_, prefix) start = time.time() gakco.compute_kernel(g, m, mode="train") end = time.time() return end - start
[docs]def time_blended(k1, k2, prefix, timeout=None): blended_exec = "./baselines/String_Kernels_Package/code/" data = "../data/" blended = BlendedSpectrumRunner(blended_exec, data, prefix) start = time.time() blended.compute_kernel(k1, k2, mode="train") end = time.time() return end - start
[docs]class Vocabulary(object): """A class for storing the vocabulary of a sequence dataset. Maps words or characters to indexes in the vocabulary. """ def __init__(self): self._token2idx = {} self._token2idx[0] = 0 self._size = len(self._token2idx)
[docs] def add(self, token): """ Add a token to the vocabulary. Args: token: a letter (for char-level model) or word (for word-level model) for which to create a mapping to an integer (the idx). Return: the index of the word. If it's already present, return its index. Otherwise, add it before returning the index. """ if token not in self._token2idx: self._token2idx[token] = self._size self._size += 1 return self._token2idx.get(token)
[docs] def size(self): """Return the number tokens in the vocabulary.""" return self._size
def __str__(self): return str(self._token2idx)
[docs]class FastaUtility: def __init__(self, vocab=None): r""" Initialize a helper object for parsing datasets in FASTA-like format. Parameters ---------- vocab : """ self._vocab = Vocabulary() if vocab is None else vocab
[docs] def read_data(self, data_file, vocab="inferred", regression=False): r"""Read a file with the FASTA-like format of alternating labels lines followed by sequences. For example: >1 >AAAGAT >1 >AAAAAGAT >0 >AGTC Parameters ---------- data_file : string The path to the sequences. vocab : string Returns ---------- X : list list of sequences where characters have been mapped to numbers. Y : list list of labels """ assert vocab.lower() in ["dna", "protein", "inferred"] X, Y = [], [] with open(data_file, "r") as f: label_line = True for line in f: line = line.strip().lower() if label_line: split = line.split(">") assert len(split) == 2 if regression: label = split[1] else: label = int(split[1]) assert label in [-1, 0, 1] Y.append(label) label_line = False else: seq = list(line) seq = [self._vocab.add(token) for token in seq] X.append(seq) label_line = True assert len(X) == len(Y) return X, Y
[docs] def shortest_seq(self, data_file): X, Y = self.read_data(data_file) shortest = len(X[0]) for x in X: if len(x) < shortest: shortest = len(x) return shortest
[docs]class ArabicUtility: def __init__(self, vocab=None): r""" Initialize a helper object for parsing datasets in the MADAR Arabic Dialect Identification task format. There are 26 dialects in one of the tasks, which is too many for us to handle right now. Instead, we just the following 6 cities: RAB - Rabat BEI - Beirut DOH - Doha CAI - Cairo TUN - Tunis MSA - Modern Standard Arabic Parameters ---------- vocab : a Vocabulary object """ self._vocab = Vocabulary() if vocab is None else vocab self._classes = Vocabulary() self._labels_to_use = ["RAB", "BEI", "DOH", "CAI", "TUN", "MSA"]
[docs] def read_data(self, data_file, vocab="inferred"): r"""Read a file with the following format: بالمناسبة ، اسمي هيروش إيجيما . MSA مش قادر نرقد كويس في الليل . CAI That is, a sequence of Arabic characters, a tab, and a three-letter label/city code. Parameters ---------- data_file : string The path to the sequences. vocab : string Returns ---------- X : list list of sequences where characters have been mapped to numbers. Y : list list of numerical labels (not one-hot) """ assert vocab.lower() in ["dna", "protein", "arabic", "inferred"] X, Y = [], [] with open(data_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: seq, label = line.rstrip().split("\t") assert len(label) == 3 if label in self._labels_to_use: if len(seq) < 10: continue seq = list(seq) seq = [self._vocab.add(token) for token in seq] X.append(seq) Y.append(self._classes.add(label)) assert len(X) == len(Y) return X, Y
[docs]class DslUtility: def __init__(self, vocab=None): self._vocab = Vocabulary() if vocab is None else vocab self._classes = Vocabulary()
[docs] def read_data(self, data_file, vocab="inferred"): assert vocab.lower() in ["dna", "protein", "arabic", "inferred"] X, Y = [], [] with open(data_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: seq, label = line.rstrip().split("\t") if len(seq) < 10: continue seq = list(seq) seq = [self._vocab.add(token) for token in seq] X.append(seq) Y.append(self._classes.add(label)) assert len(X) == len(Y) return X, Y
[docs]class FastskRunner: def __init__(self, prefix, data_location="../data"): self.prefix = prefix self.train_file = osp.join(data_location, prefix + ".train.fasta") self.test_file = osp.join(data_location, prefix + ".test.fasta") reader = FastaUtility() self.train_seq, self.Ytrain = reader.read_data(self.train_file) self.test_seq, Ytest = reader.read_data(self.test_file) Ytest = np.array(Ytest).reshape(-1, 1) self.Ytest = Ytest
[docs] def compute_train_kernel( self, g, m, t=20, approx=True, I=100, delta=0.025, skip_variance=False ): kernel = FastSK( g=g, m=m, t=t, approx=approx, max_iters=I, delta=delta, skip_variance=skip_variance, ) kernel.compute_train(self.train_seq)
[docs] def train_and_test( self, g, m, t, approx, I=100, delta=0.025, skip_variance=False, C=1 ): kernel = FastSK( g=g, m=m, t=t, approx=approx, max_iters=I, delta=delta, skip_variance=skip_variance, ) kernel.compute_kernel(self.train_seq, self.test_seq) self.Xtrain = kernel.get_train_kernel() self.Xtest = kernel.get_test_kernel() self.stdevs = kernel.get_stdevs() svm = LinearSVC(C=C, class_weight="balanced") self.clf = CalibratedClassifierCV(svm, cv=5).fit(self.Xtrain, self.Ytrain) acc, auc = self.evaluate_clf() return acc, auc
[docs] def evaluate_clf(self): acc = self.clf.score(self.Xtest, self.Ytest) probs = self.clf.predict_proba(self.Xtest)[:, 1] auc = metrics.roc_auc_score(self.Ytest, probs) return acc, auc
[docs]class FastskRegressor: def __init__(self, dataset, data_location="../data"): self.dataset = dataset self.train_file = osp.join(data_location, prefix + ".train.fasta") self.test_file = osp.join(data_location, prefix + ".test.fasta") reader = FastaUtility() self.train_seq, self.Ytrain = reader.read_data(train_file, regression=True) self.test_seq, self.Ytest = reader.read_data(test_file, regression=True) self.Ytrain = np.array(self.Ytrain).astype(np.float) self.Ytest = np.array(self.Ytest).astype(np.float)
[docs] def compute_train_kernel( self, g, m, t=20, approx=True, I=100, delta=0.025, skip_variance=False ): kernel = FastSK( g=g, m=m, t=t, approx=approx, max_iters=I, delta=delta, skip_variance=skip_variance, ) kernel.compute_train(self.train_seq)
[docs] def train_and_test(self, g, m, t, approx, I=100, delta=0.025, skip_variance=False): kernel = FastSK( g=g, m=m, t=t, approx=approx, max_iters=I, delta=delta, skip_variance=skip_variance, ) kernel.compute_kernel(self.train_seq, self.test_seq) self.Xtest = kernel.get_test_kernel() self.Xtest = np.array(self.Xtest).reshape(len(self.Xtest), -1) self.Xtrain = kernel.get_train_kernel() self.Xtrain = np.array(self.Xtrain).reshape(len(self.Xtrain), -1) # Can replace Lasso with alternative regression approaches such as SVR model = LassoCV(cv=5, n_jobs=t, random_state=293).fit(self.Xtrain, self.Ytrain) r2 = model.score(self.Xtest, self.Ytest) return r2
[docs]class GkmRunner: def __init__( self, exec_location, data_locaton, dataset, g, k, approx=False, alphabet=None, outdir="./temp", ): self.exec_location = exec_location self.dir = data_locaton self.dataset = dataset self.outdir = outdir self.g, self.k, self.alphabet = g, k, alphabet """Important note: gkmSVM's -d parameter (max_m) is *not* the same as our m = g - k parameter. It's actually the upper bound of the summation shown in equation 3 in the 2014 gkmSVM paper (ghandi2014enhanced).""" if approx: """By default, their approximation algorithm truncates the summation from eq. 3 to a value of 3 mismatches. """ self.max_m = 3 else: """If using the exact algo, the summation runs from 0 to l (their l is our g) """ self.max_m = self.g ## Data files self.train_pos_file = osp.join(self.dir, self.dataset + ".train.pos.fasta") self.train_neg_file = osp.join(self.dir, self.dataset + ".train.neg.fasta") self.test_pos_file = osp.join(self.dir, self.dataset + ".test.pos.fasta") self.test_neg_file = osp.join(self.dir, self.dataset + ".test.neg.fasta") self.train_test_pos_file = osp.join( self.outdir, self.dataset + ".train_test.pos.fasta" ) self.train_test_neg_file = osp.join( self.outdir, self.dataset + ".train_test.neg.fasta" ) ## Temp files that gkm creates if not osp.exists(self.outdir): os.makedirs(self.outdir) self.kernel_file = osp.join(self.outdir, self.dataset + "_kernel.out") self.svm_file_prefix = osp.join(self.outdir, "svmtrain") self.svmalpha = self.svm_file_prefix + "_svalpha.out" self.svseq = self.svm_file_prefix + "_svseq.fa" self.pos_pred_file = osp.join(self.outdir, self.dataset + ".preds.pos.out") self.neg_pred_file = osp.join(self.outdir, self.dataset + ".preds.neg.out")
[docs] def compute_train_kernel(self, t): execute = osp.join(self.exec_location, "gkmsvm_kernel") command = [ execute, "-a", str(2), "-l", str(self.g), "-k", str(self.k), "-d", str(self.max_m), "-T", str(t), "-R", ] if self.alphabet is not None: command += ["-A", self.alphabet] command += [self.train_pos_file, self.train_neg_file, self.kernel_file] print(" ".join(command)) output = subprocess.check_output(command)
[docs] def train_svm(self): execute = osp.join(self.exec_location, "gkmsvm_train") command = [ execute, self.kernel_file, self.train_pos_file, self.train_neg_file, self.svm_file_prefix, ] print(" ".join(command)) output = subprocess.check_output(command)
[docs] def classify(self): ## pos predictions execute = osp.join(self.exec_location, "gkmsvm_classify") command = [ execute, "-l", str(self.g), "-k", str(self.k), "-d", str(self.max_m), "-R", ] if self.alphabet is not None: command += ["-A", self.alphabet] command += [self.test_pos_file, self.svseq, self.svmalpha, self.pos_pred_file] print(" ".join(command)) subprocess.check_output(command) # get neg preds command = [ execute, "-l", str(self.g), "-k", str(self.k), "-d", str(self.max_m), "-R", ] if self.alphabet is not None: command += ["-A", self.alphabet] command += [self.test_neg_file, self.svseq, self.svmalpha, self.neg_pred_file] print(" ".join(command)) subprocess.check_output(command)
[docs] def evaluate(self): pos_preds = self.read_preds(self.pos_pred_file) neg_preds = self.read_preds(self.neg_pred_file) print("Computing accuracy...") acc = self.get_accuracy(pos_preds, neg_preds) print("Computing AUC...") auc = self.get_auc(pos_preds, neg_preds) print("Accuracy = {}, AUC = {}".format(acc, auc)) return acc, auc
[docs] def train_and_test(self, t=20): self.compute_train_kernel(t) self.train_svm() self.classify() acc, auc = self.evaluate() return acc, auc
[docs] def read_preds(self, file): preds = [] with open(file, "r") as f: for line in f: line = line.split() assert len(line) == 2 preds.append(float(line[1])) return preds
[docs] def get_accuracy(self, pos_preds, neg_preds): accuracy = 0 num_correct = 0 num_pred = len(pos_preds) + len(neg_preds) for pred in pos_preds: if pred > 0: num_correct += 1 for pred in neg_preds: if pred <= 0: num_correct += 1 return num_correct / num_pred
[docs] def get_auc(self, pos_preds, neg_preds): ytrue = [1 for _ in pos_preds] + [-1 for _ in neg_preds] yscore = [score for score in pos_preds] + [score for score in neg_preds] auc = metrics.roc_auc_score(ytrue, yscore) return auc
[docs]class GaKCoRunner: def __init__(self, exec_location, data_locaton, type_, prefix, outdir="./temp"): self.exec_location = exec_location self.data_locaton = data_locaton self.train_file = osp.join("../data", prefix + ".train.fasta") self.test_file = osp.join("../data", prefix + ".test.fasta") self.train_test_file = osp.join(outdir, prefix + "_train_test.fasta") assert type_ in ["dna", "protein"] if type_ == "protein": self.dict_file = osp.join(data_locaton, "full_prot.dict.txt") else: self.dict_file = osp.join(data_locaton, "dna.dictionary.txt") self.labels_file = osp.join(outdir, "labels.txt") self.kernel_file = osp.join(outdir, "kernel.txt") self.num_train, self.num_test = 0, 0
[docs] def compute_kernel(self, g, m, mode="train", t=1): self.g = g self.m = m self.k = g - m assert mode in ["train", "test", "train_test"] if mode == "train": data_file = self.train_file elif mode == "test": data_file = self.test_file else: data_file = self.train_test_file command = [ self.exec_location, "-g", str(self.g), "-k", str(self.k), data_file, self.dict_file, self.labels_file, self.kernel_file, ] output = subprocess.check_output(command)
[docs] def train_and_test(self, g, m, C=1): self.combine_train_and_test() self.compute_kernel(g, m, mode="train_test") self.Xtrain, self.Xtest = self.read_kernel() self.Ytrain, self.Ytest = self.read_labels() svm = LinearSVC(C=C) self.clf = CalibratedClassifierCV(svm, cv=5).fit(self.Xtrain, self.Ytrain) acc, auc = self.evaluate_clf() return acc, auc
[docs] def evaluate_clf(self): acc = self.clf.score(self.Xtest, self.Ytest) probs = self.clf.predict_proba(self.Xtest)[:, 1] auc = metrics.roc_auc_score(self.Ytest, probs) return acc, auc
[docs] def combine_train_and_test(self): lines = [] with open(self.train_file, "r") as f: for line in f: if line[0] == ">": self.num_train += 1 lines.append(line) with open(self.test_file, "r") as f: for line in f: if line[0] == ">": self.num_test += 1 lines.append(line) with open(self.train_test_file, "w+") as f: f.writelines(lines)
[docs] def read_labels(self): Ytrain, Ytest = [], [] with open(self.train_file, "r") as f: for line in f: if line[0] == ">": Ytrain.append(line.rstrip().split(">")[1]) with open(self.test_file, "r") as f: for line in f: if line[0] == ">": Ytest.append(line.rstrip().split(">")[1]) return Ytrain, Ytest
[docs] def read_kernel(self): Xtrain, Xtest = [], [] with open(self.kernel_file, "r") as f: count = 0 for line in f: x = [float(item.split(":")[1]) for item in line.rstrip().split(" ")][ : self.num_train ] if count < self.num_train: Xtrain.append(x) else: Xtest.append(x) count += 1 return Xtrain, Xtest
[docs] def get_labels(self): pass
[docs]class BlendedSpectrumRunner: def __init__(self, exec_dir, data_locaton, prefix, outdir="./temp"): self.exec_dir = exec_dir self.train_fasta = osp.join(data_locaton, prefix + ".train.fasta") self.test_fasta = osp.join(data_locaton, prefix + ".test.fasta") self.outdir = outdir if not osp.exists(self.outdir): os.makedirs(self.outdir) self.train_seq = osp.join(self.outdir, prefix + "_spectrum.train.txt") self.test_seq = osp.join(self.outdir, prefix + "_spectrum.test.txt") self.train_and_test_seq = osp.join( self.outdir, prefix + "_.train-tst.spectrum.txt" ) self.num_train, self.num_test = 0, 0 self.write_seq(self.train_fasta, mode="train") self.kernel_file = osp.join(outdir, "kernel.txt")
[docs] def combine_train_and_test(self): Xtrain, Xtest, self.Ytrain, self.Ytest = [], [], [], [] with open(self.train_fasta, "r") as f: label_line = True for line in f: line = line.rstrip() if label_line: self.num_train += 1 label = line.split(">")[1] self.Ytrain.append(label) label_line = False else: Xtrain.append(line.lower()) label_line = True with open(self.test_fasta, "r") as f: label_line = True for line in f: line = line.rstrip() if label_line: self.num_test += 1 label = line.split(">")[1] self.Ytest.append(label) label_line = False else: Xtest.append(line.lower()) label_line = True X = Xtrain + Xtest with open(self.train_and_test, "w+") as f: for x in X: f.write(x + "\n")
[docs] def write_seq(self, datafile, mode="train"): assert mode in ["train", "test"] if mode == "train": outfile = self.train_seq else: outfile = self.test_seq X, Y = [], [] with open(datafile, "r") as f: label_line = True for line in f: line = line.rstrip() if label_line: label = line.split(">")[1] Y.append(label) label_line = False else: X.append(line.lower()) label_line = True with open(outfile, "w+") as f: for x in X: f.write(x + "\n")
[docs] def compute_kernel(self, k1=3, k2=5, mode="train_and_test"): self.k1, self.k2 = k1, k2 datafile = self.train_seq assert mode in ["train", "test", "train_and_test"] if mode == "train": datafile = self.train_seq elif mode == "test": datafile = self.test_seq else: datafile = self.train_and_test_seq command = [ "java", "-cp", self.exec_dir, "ComputeStringKernel", "spectrum", str(self.k1), str(self.k2), datafile, self.kernel_file, ] output = subprocess.check_output(command)
[docs] def read_kernel(self): Xtrain, Xtest = [], [] with open(self.kernel_file, "r") as f: count = 0 for line in f: x = [float(item) for item in line.rstrip().split(" ")][: self.num_train] if count < self.num_train: Xtrain.append(x) else: Xtest.append(x) count += 1 return Xtrain, Xtest
[docs] def train_and_test(self, k1=3, k2=5, C=1): self.combine_train_and_test() self.compute_kernel(k1, k2, mode="train_and_test") self.Xtrain, self.Xtest = self.read_kernel() svm = LinearSVC(C=C, class_weight="balanced", max_iter=3000) self.clf = CalibratedClassifierCV(svm, cv=5).fit(self.Xtrain, self.Ytrain) acc, auc = self.evaluate_clf() return acc, auc
[docs] def evaluate_clf(self): acc = self.clf.score(self.Xtest, self.Ytest) probs = self.clf.predict_proba(self.Xtest)[:, 1] auc = metrics.roc_auc_score(self.Ytest, probs) return acc, auc